Authorgraph is a fun system that allows authors to digitally sign e-books. The recipient doesn’t need to be signed up for any service to receive it either. Since I struggled to find a way to use it for my first book signing event, I figured I would post something helpful that others may be able to use.
First off, avoid the smartphone app. It’s broken. You can access straight from the smartphone browser.
Login to Authorgraph and access the navigation window in the top right corner and select Authorgraph Live!
Then you should see a screen with your books.
Select your book. Then you’ll be prompted to where you want to send it to. Fill in the name and email address in the appropriate fields.
If your phone is like mine, it mega-zoomed in when I focused on those fields, so you might need to pinch the screen to get it back to where you can hit the Authorgraph it! button.
Then you choose to sign it!
That will give you a screen letting you customize your message and send your already-on-file signature.
Hit Send Authorgraph and you’re done!
Now it takes a while for it to process, but the recipient eventually gets an email telling them:
Hi Loni,
Your Authorgraph from Loni Townsend for “Thanmir War (Niniers)” is ready!
Evan Jacobs, Founder
Go ahead and click on the link, and you can see what the recipient receives!
Hopefully you found this helpful. Anyone have any other tips?
Thanks for posting this! 🙂
My pleasure!
Thanks for this step by step instructions. I’m going to try it.
Hopefully you find it useful!
Hi, I’m the creator of Authorgraph.
Thanks for this post, Loni! Authorgraph Live is a under-utilized feature that I would love for more authors to discover and this post will help with inform them.
Also, sorry about the sad state of the Authorgraph Android app. It was only supposed to be a quick prototype until I was able to release something more functional.
The good news is that a true mobile app for both iPhone and Android will be my focus as soon as I’m finished rolling out the next set of new features. Stay tuned!
Authorgraph is a wonderful tool in this digital age. Looking forward to the mobile app!
That is cool, first I ever heard of it.
It’s a neat little system.
That is so cool! I didn’t know you could have a signature on file and then attach it to someone’s ebook. Love it. 🙂